3 Cringeworthy Moments From Josh Duggar and Anna Duggar's Wedding

Publish date: 2024-04-29


The Duggar family's shows, '19 Kids and Counting' and 'Counting On,' have both been canceled by TLC. Still, Duggar family followers are discussing the events of the series. Josh Duggar and Anna Duggar's wedding is a point of interest, and these three moments are still considered cringe-worthy more than a decade after they said I do.

Published on October 9, 2021

2 min read

The Duggar family is in crisis, according to several sources. With a canceled reality TV show, and Josh Duggar’s trial happening soon, family critics are going back to look at all of the things that no longer add up about the supersized family. Josh and Anna Duggar’s wedding, in particular, is a source of interest. Looking at their televised wedding through a 2021 lens reveals some truly uncomfortable moments. Do you remember these three cringe-worthy moments from the 19 Kids and Counting episode that covered their 2008 nuptials?

Josh Duggar’s purity song remains the most cringeworthy moment of Josh and Anna’s wedding

Long before any information about Josh’s behavior became known to the world, he married Anna. The 2008 wedding was the most budget-friendly event the Duggar family threw. While there are plenty of opinions about the event, Duggar family critics universally despise Josh’s song to Anna at the ceremony.


“The Loyalty Song” is especially cringe-worthy now that family followers are clued into Josh’s behaviors. Reddit users point out that the lyrics “I’ll try my best to be faithful and true” smacks of irony. In 2015, Josh was caught cheating on his wife shortly after In Touch revealed that he molested several of his siblings as a teen. In 2021, federal marshals arrested Josh on two child pornography charges.

Having several Duggars and Kellers make the bridesmaid dresses doesn’t sit right with family followers

While many families in the Duggars’ insular social circle know how to sew, most draw the line at expecting teenagers to essentially craft entire, complicated garments. The Duggar family and the Kellers didn’t seem to see a problem with it back in 2008, though. An episode of 19 Kids and Counting even featured Jana helping to craft bridesmaid dresses for Josh and Anna’s wedding.

The dresses turned out alright, but teenagers creating their own bridesmaid dresses feels a bit exploitative. Later weddings offered Jana a bit of a break, at least. Instead of sewing together dresses from a pattern, she was often tasked with altering pre-purchased gowns to fit the family’s strict modesty standards. While still not great, it wasn’t as disturbing as watching a then-teenaged Jana slave away over a sewing machine for Josh and Anna’s supersized wedding party.

Amy Duggar offering Josh Duggar kissing advice makes Duggar family followers squirm

While Duggar family critics largely agree that Josh and Anna’s wedding was uncomfortable from start to finish, some of its most cringe-worthy moments happened before the big day. For example, Amy Duggar discussing Josh and Anna’s first kiss with Josh during the wedding rehearsal and offering some kissing pointers was especially disturbing. While the cousins’ chat was uncomfortable in 2008, through a 2021 lens, it feels a lot worse.


Duggar family followers point out that Amy, the family’s mainstream cousin, was often used as a prop on the show. More often than not, TLC used her to highlight the difference between the Duggar family and the rest of mainstream America. They exploited her personal life to show the difference between courtships and dating. It just feels gross now. TLC obviously staged the chat, and Amy looked uncomfortable to be even talking to Josh.  
