Anna Moses: Where is Robert Moses now? Whereabouts explored ahead of Dateline: Secrets Uncovered

Publish date: 2024-05-26

Robert Moses, an elderly Frisco man, was found guilty in the shooting death of his ex-wife, Anna Moses, who was found riddled with bullets in the garage of her Plantation Resort neighborhood home in January 2015. The former couple had been divorced for about two years at the time of the incident, and the victim lived alone in the house and worked at the University of Texas at Dallas as an analyst.

Reports state that Moses was arrested after his alibi from the day of the murder fell apart and blood evidence found inside the victim's missing car matched his DNA. Authorities also alleged that the 63-year-old was uncooperative and provided vague statements when questioned.

During his October 2016 trial, Robert Moses was found guilty of first-degree murder and was handed a life sentence with parole. He is currently serving time at the William McConnell Unit on South Emily Drive, Beeville.

Anna Moses' shooting death is set to feature on Oxygen's Dateline: Secrets Uncovered this Wednesday, April 19, in an episode titled Someone Was Waiting. The episode will air on the channel at 7:00 pm ET.

The synopsis states:

"When a captivating, sweet-natured single mom is found dead in her garage, detectives in Frisco, Texas, uncover a series of potential suspects, all of them connected in different ways to her complicated and secretive life."

Robert Moses was found guilty in ex-wife's murder after DNA evidence linked to the 43-year-old's shooting death

On February 26, 2015, Frisco Police, with the assistance of the Texas Rangers and the United States Marshals, arrested 63-year-old Robert Moses in the early January shooting death of his ex-wife, Anna, who was found dead in her garage. The arrest was made after DNA evidence linked Moses to the killing. The victim's car was taken from her house and later recovered with blood evidence inside.

During the initial stages of the investigation, investigators noticed a fresh cut on Moses's right hand while interviewing him. Moses then willingly provided his DNA sample, and an analysis resulted in a positive match to the blood found in his ex-wife’s vehicle.

A jury found Robert Moses guilty of first-degree murder after deliberating for a little over eight hours in his late 2016 trial. In November of that year, the 63-year-old was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole.

According to reports, Moses is currently serving time at the William McConnell Unit on South Emily Drive, Beeville, and will likely become eligible for parole by February 2046.

At the time of the murder, Robert Moses and his ex-wife had been divorced for nearly two years

On January 14, 2015, 43-year-old Anna Moses, who worked as an analyst at the University of Texas at Dallas, was found shot dead in the garage of her Frisco home during a welfare check. She was shot multiple times, including thrice in the back, twice in her chest, and once in the throat. Seven shell casings were found at the crime scene, but there were no signs of a break-in and her car was missing.

All of the victim's friends and co-workers were questioned during the investigation along with ex-husband, Robert Moses, whose statements to authorities were vague. At the time, the couple were divorced for nearly two years. Within hours, her missing car was found a few blocks from the house, and inside the car, officers found blood evidence, which was later used to link her ex-husband to the killing.

Learn more about the case on Dateline: Secrets Uncovered this Wednesday on Oxygen.

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