Former WWE star files lawsuit claiming The Rock, The Miz and several other stars conspired in kidnap

Publish date: 2024-04-30

A recent shocking accusation has brought up the names of several current and former WWE Superstars, including The Rock, The Miz, and several others. The allegations accuse the megastars of being conspirators in an alleged kidnapping attempt.

PWInsider reported that Trenesha "Rhaka Khan" Biggers was authorized in February 2023, to move forward with the lawsuit against a dozen defendants, while pre-paying any court fees. According to court records, Biggers received notice of the update in March via postal mail to her home address in New York City.

For those unaware, Biggers has previously worked for both TNA and WWE. The 41-year-old filed a lawsuit back in October 2022 before the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, claiming there was a conspiracy against her in relation to an ongoing Texas criminal case. The lawsuit alleges that the defendants all "conspired to kidnap the plaintiff and her children."

Among the many names listed, stars from the wrestling world include The Rock, The Miz, Maryse, current Impact Wrestling star Heath Miller, WWE Hall of Famers Nikki Bella and Mick Foley, the late Chris Benoit, former WWE talent Mark Jindrak, Steve Keirn, Jim Cornette and countless others. None of the defendants listed have been served as of this writing.

"In her lawsuit, Biggers makes reference to being taken to Riker's Island (a jail in NYC) after U.S. Marshalls arrived at her home in NYC to arrest her in October 2021, but that they failed to provide a "scintilla" of evidence in a hearing about her extradition. She claims that the Judge overseeing the hearing ordered her released but the arrest and hearing allowed for the "kidnapping" of her children and that the law enforcement agencies involved "failed to intervene." Biggers also cited that "the terroristic tactics, actions and events" have caused her to be unable to gain employment and has "destroyed her professional wrestling career." [H/T: PWInsider]

Biggers last wrestled in 2011 for the now-defunct Lucha Libre USA promotion. She was part of the 2005 WWE Diva Search and is best known for her time at IMPACT Wrestling, where she had a one-year run between 2008-2009, under the ring name Rhaka Khan.

Former WWE star was on the list of El Paso's most wanted fugitive

Initially indicted way back in August 2019, Trenesha Biggers was listed by Crime Stoppers of El Paso as one of El Paso's most wanted fugitives after skipping her court date. She was finally arraigned in December 2019. At one point, a bench warrant for her arrest was issued for missing a hearing but was revoked after she posted a $6,000 bond.

"In September 2021, Biggers uploaded a YouTube video with the description saying, "someone is trying awfully hard to take me out in order to save Kurt Angle, Beto O'Rourke, and several other government officials from being held accountable for fraud upon the court in various other crimes against The Courts, The People, and The United States." [H/T: WrestlingInc.]

After failing to appear again for a criminal trial in December 2022, where she was to face charges of interference with child custody and "aggravated kidnapping facilitate," a bench warrant for her arrest was issued. The warrant is still in effect as of this writing, according to Texas court records.

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