Is Conor McGregor using steroids or PEDs? Chael Sonnen makes surprising argument in defense of the I

Publish date: 2024-06-10

Chael Sonnen has made an argument in favor of Conor McGregor amid speculation that the Irishman could be using steroids/banned PEDs (Performance Enhancing Drugs). McGregor has bulked up considerably during his injury hiatus from MMA that commenced after he suffered a leg injury during his lightweight bout against Dustin Poirier in July 2021.

'The Notorious' recently filmed The Ultimate Fighter (TUF) 31 alongside Michael Chandler and is expected to fight Chandler, potentially at welterweight, this year. However, McGregor hasn't re-entered the USADA testing pool yet. In an edition of Beyond the Fight, Chael Sonnen alluded to the fact that McGregor hasn't been tested by USADA in 2022 and 2023.

Chael Sonnen noted that McGregor would have to enter and stay in the USADA testing pool for at least six months before being allowed to compete in the UFC. Sonnen acknowledged that McGregor's bulked-up physique and the fact that he hasn't re-entered the USADA testing pool might be perceived by some as a sign that he's utilizing steroids/banned PEDs.

Regardless, Sonnen argued that McGregor could simply be using PEDs that athletes can legally use while competing in the sport of MMA. The MMA fighter-turned-analyst suggested that the media, and others in general, tend to confuse banned PEDs with legal PEDs. Sonnen stated:

"People are so quick to say that Conor is on steroids. And I think what they mean is PEDs. They don't know what he's done, but he's on the Performance Enhancing [Drugs] -- Now, with steroids, it specifically must be an anabolic agent. And I don't think when people look at Conor, they can prove there's an anabolic agent." "There is a massive misunderstanding, and the media did it... They don't know the difference. Performance Enhancing Drugs [PEDs] are not banned in sport. They never have been."

Furthermore, Chael Sonnen opined that Conor McGregor's break from training might have caused his weight gain, as his body likely started retaining more water. Besides, he speculated that McGregor's bulked-up look could also be due to legal PEDs that are helping him evolve his body.

Chael Sonnen indicated that Conor McGregor has lately been in Las Vegas and can be subjected to drug testing at any time. He explained that although the UFC megastar hasn't re-entered the USADA testing pool, he can still be subjected to drug testing. On that note, Sonnen indicated that it appears as though McGregor is openly taunting USADA and daring them to test him.

Watch Sonnen discuss the topic at 3:04 in the video below:

When Conor McGregor lambasted Anthony Smith for accusing him of steroid use

In late 2022, UFC light heavyweight and MMA analyst Anthony Smith opined that Conor McGregor's withdrawal from the USADA testing pool and his jacked physique could be a sign that he's using steroids. Not one to be outdone, 'The Notorious' fired back at Smith with a barrage of tweets.

Conor McGregor highlighted that fellow former UFC champion Chris Weidman too suffered a similar leg injury in 2021 and is yet to fight again. 'The Notorious' criticized Smith for purportedly wishing ill upon him (McGregor) and emphasized that he's most definitely not using steroids.

Moreover, he jibed at Smith over the latter's own leg injury in his fight against Magomed Ankalaev. One of McGregor's tweets read as follows:

"The audacity of this loser! @lionheartsmith you're a loser. The % of the bones joining back after a break like this is so low. You think I give a f**k about anything else. I am the most tested fighter of all time in combat. I give everything to this game. You - Nothing!"

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