Kelly Osbourne admonishes divas who use the gay community

Publish date: 2024-05-02


Kelly’s purplish hair has started growing on me. I saw on E! News last night where she was laughing about people saying she looked like an old lady, and Kelly said that’s how she wants to look. Cute. I do think this is the healthiest and happiest she’s ever looked, seriously. Kelly continues to win me over with this new-ish interview Kelly did with The Daily Gay. The interview is really long, and you can read the whole thing here. I’m just going to do the highlights, which include Kelly’s praise of Lady Gaga for standing by her gays, as opposed to “women who use the gay community to sell albums, but then they don’t back it up.” CoughMadonnacough? Or is she talking about someone like Cher? Jennifer Lopez? Who uses her gays to sell albums and then discards them like yesterday‘s homosexuals? Also: Kelly is going to be Grand Marshal of LA’s Gay Pride parade! And she’s doing the “Give a Damn” Campaign too.

Congratulations on making People’s Most Beautiful list.
I was really shocked by that. When they called me I was like, When is someone going to tell me that was a joke? When you’re in an industry where you’re surrounded by the world’s most beautiful people—and you know I always grew up really insecure —it’s still like I’m waiting for someone to pinch me and wake me up

In addition to that, you and your mom have been named grand marshals of L.A. Pride.
That’s what I’m more excited about. You have no idea. I guarantee I won’t sleep the night before.

How does that happen? Do you get a call from someone saying, “Hey, we want you to come and be in the parade”?
Basically, my assistant Dave and I have been talking about Pride for a long time and what we were going to do, and he has some friends—as well as I do—who are on the committee, and he secretly went and suggested me.

It’s cool that you and your mom are from different generations and are equally vocal in your support for the gay community. But do you have a sense that your generation is more accepting overall?
I do. And I think as time goes on—and unfortunately, it is going to take time—eventually people won’t even think of it anymore.

Have your own struggles lead to an identification with gay people?
It’s not about identifying, it’s about what’s right and what’s wrong. And it’s wrong to look down upon somebody or not let somebody marry the person they want to marry because of their sexual orientation. It doesn’t make sense to me.

You were born in England, which allows civil unions and gays in the military. What are your observations about the cultural differences between the U.K. and the U.S.?
No matter where you go, you’re always going to have ignorant people. But it’s the way in which it’s handled in England that I think is a lot more respectful. They’re like, “If you don’t like it, fine, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be married.” Here it’s like, “It’s an abomination! We’re all going to die and go to hell because you want to kiss a man!” It’s ridiculous.

So they have more of a live-and-let-live attitude?
It’s hard to explain unless you are there. It would be wrong for me to say that you can be gay in England and everything’s just fine, because there are still ignorant people. But I think people are less inclined to do anything against it there than they are here.

When did you first realize that you had a big gay following?
I still don’t realize it, to be honest with you. I feel that a lot of celebrity females take advantage of the gay community because they know that if they have the gay community supporting them, then they’ll always have some kind of a career. I never want to be one of those [women]. In my eyes, that’s almost taking advantage. And a lot of the time, what I think about what they do is, Well, you say all this, but where are you at the rallies?

You prefer people who walk the walk.
Exactly. There are women, like Lady Gaga, who fully embrace it and who stand up. They go to the rallies, they protest. But then there are women who—I’m not going to name names—that use the gay community to sell albums, but then they don’t back it up. And I don’t like that.

If there were one thing that could change in the entire world by the end of this year, in any realm, what would you like to see happen?
That the government can no longer tell people who they can and cannot be with. For me, that’s the most pressing thing. Once that falls into place and people start to realize that there really is no difference, then everything else will also fall into place.

[From The Daily Gay]

Doesn’t Kelly seem like a sweetheart? I like the way she’s grown up, a lot. Notice the difference in arguments that Kelly is making as opposed to, say, Miley Cyrus. Granted, there’s an age difference. But Miley should definitely take some pointers from Miley. Ooh, do you think that’s who Kelly’s little blind item was about? Miley kind of fits – she’s trying to get the gays to buy her album, but is Miley really going to stand up for them in a big way? Whatever divas use their gay fans? Amy Winehouse?!?


Kelly at the Guys Choice Awards on June 5, 2010. Credit: WENN.
