"Oh man, we just saw Lita's boob!"

Publish date: 2024-06-16

While WWE Superstars usually take precautions to not suffer any embarrassing ring gear malfunctions on television, sometimes accidents happen.

In her book, "Lita: A Less Traveled R.O.A.D.--The Reality of Amy Dumas," WWE Hall of Famer Lita recalled the one time her breasts popped out of her top at a WWE event after she decided not to tape them into her bra earlier that same night, thinking she would not be involved in the action. Luckily for her, the camera did not catch the unfortunate accident.

"I've only popped out of my top one time. The girls usually tape ourselves into our bras with double-sided tape. It's actually wig tape for men who wear toupees, and as you'd expect, taking it off is pretty unpleasant. On the night I popped out, I had been told that I wasn't going to be doing much on the show, so I decided not to tape in. It was no big deal—I heard several guys in the front row go, 'Oh man, we just saw Lita's boob!' and pulled my top back up. I just considered myself lucky that the camera didn't catch it!" she wrote.

Lita joined the Stamford-based company in 1999 and spent about seven years there, during which she won the Women's Championship four times. The 47-year-old then left the promotion and retired from in-ring competition in 2006 following her defeat against Mickie James at Survivor Series.

In 2014, nearly eight years after her retirement, Lita entered the WWE Hall of Fame.

WWE previously rejected Lita's request to be 'filmed in the shower' with a former superstar. Check out the details here.

Lita has made sporadic WWE appearances since her retirement

Since hanging up her boots in 2006, Lita has made several appearances in WWE. She also competed in a few matches. Her latest came earlier this year when she lost to Becky Lynch in a Raw Women's Championship match at Elimination Chamber.

In a recent interview with Out of Character, Lynch spoke about working with Lita, disclosing that she would love to have another match against the Hall of Famer.

"She was my hero, and she's somebody who always championed for me when I was nobody when I was the underdog. I think maybe she saw a little bit of herself in me, and to be able to work with her and tell a story that wasn't the typical, oh you're a has been! Because she's not obviously, you could see her go. She's awesome. If Lita ever wants to come back again. I would love to go again because she's amazing. And to tell the story of this is my idol whose comeback and now you're trying to take my title away from me," she said.

Lita almost broke Trish Stratus' face with a disastrous botch. Check out the details here.

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