Star: Halle Berry custody witness claims Gabriel Aubry was verbally abusive

Publish date: 2024-05-09

That title really doesn’t capture the alleged accusations against Gabriel Aubry in new custody papers unearthed by Star Magazine. The way Star phrases it, the accusations sound really sordid. The thing is, we’ve heard the exact same things about Halle, and we’ve also heard this about Gabriel before along with a lot of conflicting reports about how they were each terrible people so it’s hard to know what to believe. I would bet that their relationship is rocky and that they screamed and yelled before they called it quits, but it probably was in no way as one sided as this makes it sound at all. I also don’t buy Gabriel as this broody, emotionally distant person who forgets to bring presents for his daughter’s birthday and didn’t care about Halle’s pregnancy. Just the fact that he’s fought so hard for custody shows otherwise. Custody can get complicated and messy, and it’s obvious that both sides are slinging accusations. Here’s what Star claims, which I believe Halle could have definitely accused Gabriel of in the court papers. I doubt it went down like this at all.

Halle Berry’s ex Gabriel Aubry threw a chair against the wall and called [Halle] the N word during a violent confrontation last February, a Los Angeles court has been told.

Star has learned that new witnesses have made these and other explosive accusations against the Canadian-born male model in court documents as the couple’s custody battle over 3-year-old daughter Nahla continues. And these witnesses are shedding new light on the couple’s final blowout – a confrontation that sparked one of Hollywood’s most toxic conflicts.

Two months before their April 2010 split, Halle, 45, returned to Los Angeles after a trip to San Francisco, and sources say it was anything but a happy homecoming. “Gabriel was there, and Halle told him to leave or she would call the police,” a colleague of Halle’s, who has seen the court documents reveals.

“He screamed that she was a ‘ghetto n****r’ and threw a chair against the wall,” the source says. “Halle was shaken and sobbing.”

Sadly, such before was not uncommon for Gabriel during the couple’s nearly five-year relationship, the new witnesses claim. Gabriel allegedly insulted and attacked valets, waitresses, nannies, Halle – and even their daughter.

“Gabriel hated that Nahla was mixed race,” a colleague of Halle’s claims. “He never wanted her hair to be braided, and he always said that Nahla was white. Friends tried to get him to understand that being mixed was part of her and Halle’s heritage, but he wouldn’t hear it…”

“Approximately six months after they started seeing each other, their sex life dwindled,” the insider reveals. “They rarely had sex, but Gabriel loved to watch porn…”

“He didn’t show any enthusiasm about the pregnancy,” the insider explains. “He didn’t help pick out baby names, help Halle relax, anything. His whole life was about playing golf. And when Nahla was born, he wasn’t any help either.

At Nahla’s second birthday party [in March 2010] “Gabriel didn’t even bring a gift for Nahla, and he was rude and stand-offish to the guests…

“He brought Nahla to her room and made her take a nap so everyone would leave!”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, October 10, 2011]

This is in Star, which doesn’t mean it’s false although it definitely could be. I’m thinking that what happened was that one of Star’s court sources dug up some stuff from this case that’s from earlier this year, when all these claims were flying around in the press. I’m really hoping that these two have reached some sort of truce for Nayla’s sake, but I think that the last we heard they were still duking it out in court, with Halle winning some sort of judgment to bring Nahla with her on set. So the accusations could be new for all we know, even if this happened back in February.

Here’s Halle out in Majorca on 9/12/11 with her boyfriend, Oliver Martinez, and Nahla. She recently broke her foot while filming there. Oliver was spotted out with a cane too. I wonder what’s going on there. Gabriel and Nahla are shown out on 8/10/11 and 8/17/11.




Credit: Kadena Press/
