What does the word 'Uce' mean on WWE SmackDown?

Publish date: 2024-04-26

'Uce' is a regular word being used by The Bloodline members on WWE SmackDown. It is seen as a sign of respect, such that Sami Zayn was ecstatic to be officially named as the Honorary Uce. Roman Reigns bestowed the honor on the September 24 edition of WWE SmackDown, much to the dismay of Jey Uso.

Jey is not pleased with Zayn being an Uce. He has been at odds with him for quite a while. Keeping aside his orthodox beliefs in blood relations, he doesn't trust Sami and believes that the latter does not qualify to be named 'Honorary Uce.'

The Bloodline's story on WWE SmackDown is revolving around the heat between Sami Zayn and Jey Uso. During most of their fights, the term 'Uce' is emphasized and the crowd adores it. For those unknown, here is what 'Uce' implies.

On a separate note, it doesn't mean The Bloodline members are Unsolicited Commercial Emails. At least not on WWE SmackDown.

"Uce" comes from the Samoan slang word uso. It is used when a man addresses another man as his brother. The same applies to the opposite gender, when a woman addresses another woman as her sister.

'Uce' has been a little lost in translation, so the common belief is that it means brother. Usually, 'tuafafine' is the Samoan word that denotes sister.

Sami Zayn made The Bloodline break character on WWE SmackDown with his 'Ucey' promo

On last week's episode of WWE SmackDown, Zayn got into another heated confrontation with Jey Uso. He believes Jey hasn't been feeling very "Ucey" lately. While 'Uce' means brother in Samon, the addition of another letter at the end makes up for something that puts the PG in WWE to shame.

No sooner had Zayn delivered his promo, The Bloodline broke into peals of laughter. This wasn't the first time the Honorary Uce has made them break characters on Live TV.

Speaking to BT Sport, Sami Zayn admitted that once or twice he may have been trying to get the serious group to crack up on television:

"I’ll admit, once or twice, I’m going out of my way to try and get them to crack. Generally, that’s something you have to tread cautiously because if you overdo that, it becomes…you’re just not being professional. Little bits are good, but like anything else, it can be redundant if it’s overdone or if you’re not taking it seriously enough. We are still trying to tell a story." “In a weird way, it kind of works for the story because it’s a different character bringing this lightness to an otherwise serious group. The reason it works is because it is art imitating life and fitting into the story we’re trying to tell."

It will be interesting to see how the story of two Uces, one in blood and one in thought, continues on the next episode of WWE SmackDown.

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