Why I refuse to spend Christmas with my husband's family

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Early on in my relationship with my husband, I gave him a deal breaker. “Just so you know” I said, “I don’t ever see myself spending Christmas with anyone else’s family.” 

In the interests of fair representation, I’d like to mention that we started dating during the month of December, so this was at least relevant if not reasonable. 

Of course, back then I didn’t know we’d end up moving in together, that a few years down the line he would propose and that, this year, we would get married. But what I did know is that I wasn’t joking. Christmas was and always will be non-negotiable for me. 

For context, Christmas in my family household is pretty much a non-stop week-long Richard Curtis film. It’s a riot of people, food, booze, board games, rows over board games, and rows over everything else.

It’s loud and chaotic and loving - and pretty much never sober. It involves long dog walks, log fires and food that would make Nigella weep with envy. In short, it’s the highlight of my year. 

So that was how, after almost two years together, I tentatively suggested that he might like to come and stay with my family for the festive period. I tied myself in knots trying to ask in the least demanding way possible, making it clear that there was no obligation. ‘Sounds good’ came his sanguine reply. 

A few days later, weighed down by a burden of guilt about ripping him away from the bosom of his own family, I shook him awake in the middle of the night to ask why he had agreed to spend Christmas with me. 

'I thought would be nice,' he said, perplexed. “And anyway” he added, “you told me when we first started going out that you wouldn’t do Christmas anywhere but home.” 

“Doesn’t that mean I’m evil?” I asked. 

“It’s our Christmas” he replied, “We can do whatever we like.” 

And it turns out that what we like is spending the season with my family. We go to Wales to see his relatives for a few days before Christmas and then travel all the way back down to Sussex to spend the big days with mine. 

I admit that I don’t feel good about it. I know that the ‘proper’ and grown-up way to do things is to take turns, especially once you're married. You’re supposed to spend one year basking in the glow of your own family Christmas and then the subsequent year let your other half do the same.

But I don’t want to do it the ‘right’ way. So we don’t. 

There are a few mitigating factors I’d like flag in an attempt at a defence here. Firstly, I’m 11 years younger than my husband. When we first started spending Christmas together I was only 23 - my siblings still lived at home and it didn’t even occur to my family that I might not be there, too. He, on the other hand, had been spending Christmas away from home for years. 

I’m also closer to my family than my partner, both emotionally and geographically. He is an only child with divorced parents who live over the border. My tight knit clan are only an hour away. 

But I began to wonder, as we planned another Christmas with my family, whether this situation was tenable long term. Will it be possible when we’ve been married for decades, and if we have children? 

Sophie Drummond, 43, is a few steps ahead. She told me that she remains absolutely uncompromising when it comes to Christmas.

"We’ve been married 15 years and together for 19. We’ve never once spent the holidays with my in-laws.

"Officially, it’s because my mother is on her own and, as an only child, I have a duty to be with her. But that’s not the full story, as we’re part of a big extended family and Christmas day has always been an open house with loads of aunts, uncles, cousins, godparents and friends. It’s more that I just I don’t want to be anywhere else. 

"To soften the blow of this we host my in-laws for a long weekend in early December and make it like a mini Christmas, making a fuss of them. To be honest there would be a row if my husband wanted to change the arrangement now. Thankfully he’s really easy going and doesn’t care as long as he gets fed."

I asked Jennie Miller councillor and relationship expert about my situation - and expected to get a good talking to about my selfish behaviour.

But Jennie told me: "The really important thing is transparency between the couple. It’s essential to make sure that you don’t fall into a routine and do the same thing every year without talking to each other. What causes problems is doing the same thing year in and year out without communicating about what you want. 

"As with absolutely everything, it’s vital that you take responsibility for telling each other what you want. Your needs will change as time goes on and that’s as it should be, but your other half is not a mind reader and you can’t expect them to know what you need."

Jennie's advice struck a chord. It is not morally wrong that we spend Christmas with my family. But it is wrong that I’ve taken the stance that we ‘always’ spend it that way. I have fallen into the trap that so many of us do in a relationship, and assumed that what we’ve done previously is what we will always do. 

It is perfectly legitimate that I always hope to spend Christmas with my own family and perhaps, like Sophie Drummond I’ll be lucky and I’ll be able to do that - but the truth is, I’m starting my own family now and that means a whole new set of emotional demands. 

Things will change, our life will change and our needs will change - I just hope Father Christmas will be able to find my new chimney when the time comes.
