Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Dual Halberds guide

Publish date: 2024-05-23

Team Ninja's latest action RPG, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, offers players a wide range of weapons to combat difficult enemies and bosses. Dual Halberds are just one of the many potent weapons particularly effective at dealing with groups of enemies.

Players can acquire Dual Halberds of Lady Hao, Dual Marquis Halberds, Dual Reaper Halberds, Tiger Fang Dual Halberds, and Dual Rooster-Crowing Halberds in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Every weapon type has a set of special attacks called Martial Arts that are randomly assigned.

Dual Halberds Martial Arts, movesets, and recommended build in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.

In Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, players must face off against formidable opponents throughout the game, which requires them to use all of the gameplay mechanics to defeat them. Players looking to deal with multiple enemies and focus on an elegant weapon can check out Dual Halberds.

Dual Halberds Martial Arts and movesets

Martial Arts is a set of special attacks tied to every weapon type in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty and are randomly assigned to every weapon, which makes it enticing for players to find one with Martial Arts that suits their playstyle. These special attacks are potent in getting players out of tricky situations and dealing significant damage to enemies and bosses stylishly.

The following are some of the Martial Arts associated with Dual Halberds:

Dual Reaper Halberds and Tiger Fang Dual Halberds have their own unique Martial Art. Dual Reaper Halberds comes with a Crescent Gale attack, which connects the Halberds to inflict far-reaching slash attacks on foes.

Tiger Fang Dual Halberds comes bundled with the Thorn Cleave attack, where the in-game character spins along with the weapon while dealing significant damage to the enemies in the vicinity of the spin’s area of influence.

The following are the Dual Halberds movesets:

Dual Halberds build recommendation

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty has an extensive Virtue system that enables players to craft their own builds based on categories like Fire, Wood, Water, Metal, and Earth. The build in this article is purely a recommendation for players, as they can make innovative builds that complement their playstyle and preferences.

Dual Halberds are great crowd-control weapons. It is ideal for pairing them up with Fire skills/spells. Players can use the Overpower Burst Fire spell, which enhances the damage dealt by the next spell or Martial Arts used by them. This will allow their character to deal increased damage.

Players can also put a secondary focus on a Wood spell like Absord Vitality that complements the Overpower Burst. Absorb Vitality enables players and their allies to restore a small amount of HP when damaging their foes.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is set in the Three Kingdoms Era and immerses players in a world infested with demons. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty has garnered positive reviews except on PC, where some players have reported stuttering and performance lag.

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